The Evolution of Loan Relations and Contracts in society

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  How loan agreements accompanied the development of commercial relations throughout history, reproducing and adapting to the uses and customs of each era  For centuries, an individual’s ability to borrow money was based on reputation and character. It was common, for example, for a farmer who planted different beans to need a bag of coffee…

BVA Advogados will be present at FILASA for the second consecutive year

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The firm will discuss some of the main trends in the legal and transactional market. BVA Advogados is again among the sponsors of Filasa – Finance & Law Summit and Awards, known as one of the most significant awards for legal and financial departments in the Brazilian market. The event is designed not only to…

Feasibility of the Arbitration Clause in Labor Relations

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The Labor Court is commonly known for its greater speed compared to the Common Court. Considering the procedure in the 1st and 2nd Instance, and including the Superior Courts, an action in the Common Court, takes an average of 3 (three) years to 3 (three) years and 11 (eleven) months, depending on the competence, if…

Setback in the New Guidelines for the Registration/Annotation of Technology Contracts.

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In an unprecedented setback, the BPTO published a note on 01/07/2023 informing that the deliberations on new guidelines aimed at facilitating and reducing bureaucracy in services related to the registration of technology transfer agreements require specific regulatory revision to be effectively implemented, namely: Removal of the requirement to initial the parties on all pages. Waiver…

New Guidelines for the Registration/Recordal of Technology Transfer Agreements

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BPTO published on 12/30/2022 the terms of the meeting held on 12/28/2022 (attached) regarding new guidelines aimed at easing and reducing bureaucracy in the performance of services related to the registration/recordal of technology transfer agreements ((Deliberações a respeito de contratos de transferência de tecnologia — Português (Brasil) ( The measures tend to make the registration…


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Concorrência Desleal google ads

Using competitors’ brands in sponsored advertisements through advertising platforms has become increasingly common. Although alternatives can be found in the market, Google Ads is undoubtedly the most used resource in Brazil and worldwide. Firstly, even though Google does not conduct an effective inspection of intellectual property violations on its platforms, we have to, the Google…

BPTO established the requirements for anticipation of admissibility examination of the National Phase of the international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

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According to the publication of October 19, 2022, the BPTO established the requirements of the possible anticipation of admissibility regarding the entry of the National Phase of the international patent applications filed based on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Therefore, the term for the holder to obtain the patent and the rights arising from it…

A Regulamentação das Stock Options no novo Marco Legal das Startups

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Na última quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2020, a Câmara dos Deputados aprovou o Marco Legal das Startups (o “MLS”), apresentado pelo Projeto de Lei Complementar (“PLC”) 146/2019, na qual seguirá para o Senado. Sob a intenção de estimular o empreendedorismo e dar maior segurança às empresas inovadoras que navegam um cenário econômico desafiador –…

A efetividade das tutelas de urgência diante da velocidade das publicações nas redes sociais

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Uma das principais características do nosso sistema jurídico (“Civil Law”), em contrapartida ao sistema de usos e costumes, comumente visto nos países de língua inglesa (“Common Law”), é que primeiro temos a sociedade expressando determinados comportamentos com efeitos no âmbito do direito (“fato jurídico”), para posteriormente serem regulados mediante alguma lei, caso ainda não exista….

Danos morais pela ausência de estoque das empresas de e-commerce

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Sempre que se aproximam feriados e datas de grande importância para o comércio, inúmeras dúvidas surgem com relação aos direitos do consumidor, despertando preocupação e atenção dos comerciantes e empresários, especialmente em tempos de pandemia, cujo comércio eletrônico tem sido o grande motor de vendas. Com as vendas pela internet sendo a “menina dos olhos”,…