Electronic Fraud and Payment Methods

Legal remedies for illegal practices in the electronic environment

We serve several national and foreign banks, including 2 of the 10 largest banks in the world, as well as e-commerce companies, marketplaces, credit fintechs, payment method companies, and electronic platforms B2C and B2BC in the creation and development of strategies and crisis resolution plans involving electronic fraud and fraudulent transactions, in addition to taking measures against electronic fraud and means of payment.

With substantial experience in the electronic environment, our team has developed a set of techniques for investigating, locating, and intercepting criminals who work, especially in the electronic environment, mainly in fraudulent transactions and financial crimes that generate huge losses for the sector, mainly due to chargebacks.

The practice is conducted by our Special Situations team, formed by professionals from Banking Law, Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Digital Law, and Intellectual Property, which has already dismantled various scams and fraud schemes, some of which have been the subject of significant repercussions in the press.

In addition to legal measures, our team has in-depth knowledge of technological solutions that help reduce the impact of fraud in the electronic environment, in addition to having a robust fraud monitoring system used by some of the most prominent international research consultants, which allows us to not only to identify frauds but also to study them and create the appropriate prevention mechanisms for our client’s business.

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