Marketing Law

Protection without limitation

Marketing brings us creativity, innovation, irreverence, and agility attributes present in the advertising strategies that have marked us most throughout history. Entertainment and marketing are responsible for generating emotions and creating experiences for the consuming public.

With a focus on these two markets, our Marketing and Entertainment Law area aims to promote projects, campaigns, and strategies for advertising and marketing, in addition to medium and large events, shows, fairs, festivals, actions, promotions, and contests, always aiming to prevent risks, avoid unnecessary investment and maintain the sector’s creative and innovative character.

Our advice is directed to advertising agencies for prior validation of projects offered to their customers and the internal marketing areas of organizations in general.

Among the services performed, we highlight the advisory services for reviewing advertising campaigns and actions, drafting regulations for various promotional efforts, obtaining authorizations for the free distribution of prizes, representations before CONAR, and drafting and negotiating contracts related to the sector.


in the area