The Tax Liability of Administration

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The administration and management of a business have many liabilities. Among them, we mention tax liability.   In this regard, it is necessary to understand how the tax liabilities of managers and partners of the company work and the precautions that need to be taken.  Concept  The tax liability of administrators is the personal accountability of…

BPTO publishes technical note on trademark expiry procedures

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On the last week of 2022, BPTO published Technical Note No. 03/2022 (attached) with updates on administrative procedures for the cancellation based on the non-use of trademark registrations. (INPI publica nota técnica sobre procedimentos de caducidade de marcas — Português (Brasil) ( According to this guideline, new wording is established for Article 6.5 of the…

BPTO Publishes 12th Edition of the Classification of Goods and Services

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On January 1st, 2023, the 12th edition of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services entered into force, which could be confirmed by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO), according to its publication dated January 3rd. Before entering the details of this update, it is necessary to briefly define trademark and its registration system…

Brazil formalize its adhesion to the Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs before WIPO

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In one more step of BPTO’s alignment with international practices, in (Adesão ao Acordo de Haia é formalizada na OMPI — Português (Brasil) ( Having been created in 1925, with several updates in the following years, the Hague Agreement has more than 90 member countries, and the adhesion of Brazil is an old demand of…


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Data leakage is a much-talked-about issue these days, and with the existence of the General Data Protection Law, it is crucial to know its regulation and the rights involved. This way, learn about seven main questions about data leakage and its regulation in Brazil. WHEN DO DATA LEAKS OCCUR? It can be defined as an…

How to Invest: 9 Steps to Enter the Market

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How to invest? This is the doubt that accompanies many people when making a financial investment. Defining the profile and objectives is just one of the steps in this whole process. To know how to invest, it is important to have an active account with a stockbroker, knowledge about products and services within the financial…


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The trademark and patent registration process are extremely important within entrepreneurship and intellectual property; however, before anything else, it is important to understand the concepts of each one individually. There are several advantages arising from the registration of trademarks and patents for the responsible holder, including those advantages that overcome the bureaucracy related to the…


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When analyzing the M&A process, it is essential to look at the numbers to determine if the merger or acquisition will work financially for your company. In this sense, knowledge of how to calculate earnings per share can make a difference in a financially successful transaction. What is Earning per Share? Earnings per share, or…