imagem Slogans Will Soon Be Protected as Trademarks by the BPTO

Slogans Will Soon Be Protected as Trademarks by the BPTO

Starting November 27, 2024, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) will once again allow slogans to be registered as trademarks, marking a significant change for companies seeking more comprehensive protection for their advertising expressions. Historical Background Until 1996, slogans could be registered as trademarks in Brazil, allowing direct protection against unauthorized third parties’ use….

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imagem Understand trade dress and its importance in protecting the visual identity of products

Understand trade dress and its importance in protecting the visual identity of products

In the scope of intellectual property, trade dress refers to the visual elements of a product’s packaging, such as colors, shapes, design, and layout. All these elements combined help to distinguish one product from another, aiming to prevent consumer confusion and unfair competition. Recently, a notable case emerged involving allegations of trade dress breach. The…

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imagem Feasibility of the Arbitration Clause in Labor Relations

Feasibility of the Arbitration Clause in Labor Relations

The Labor Court is commonly known for its greater speed compared to the Common Court. Considering the procedure in the 1st and 2nd Instance, and including the Superior Courts, an action in the Common Court, takes an average of 3 (three) years to 3 (three) years and 11 (eleven) months, depending on the competence, if…

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